- Details
- Written by: Maintenance Guy
- Category: About
- Hits: 2541
We are a group of local radio amateurs who meet at 7.45pm every other Friday evening at Cyprus Hall in Burgess Hill West Sussex where we have a fully equipped radio shack allowing communications worldwide.
Our meetings range from talks by guest speakers or members on a variety of subjects, evenings on the air using the shack equipment, equipment sales and social gatherings or "Natter Nights"
Our members are of all ages and have interests in many aspects of Amateur Radio.
Members often bring along projects or help each other on construction or technical issues relating to the hobby during these evenings.
We also enjoy outdoor activities such as direction finding contests, participate in annual VHF field day competitions and regularly mount special event stations.
Amateur Radio is a great hobby that will last a lifetime, You can learn how to become an efficient radio operator and how to make your signals reach the far corners of the globe.
We have members who not only transmit using voice or CW (Morse code) but also exchange pictures, video and text messages as well as having advanced two-way digital exchanges - all on frequencies exclusively licenced to amateurs. This is a great opportunity for younger people who may want a career in software development, electronics or communications, as they will pick up many useful skills whilst progressing through the various disciplines.
We can teach all the techniques required to obtain an amateur radio licence, as well as hosting both introductory and advanced online training courses on a number of related subjects.
Why not come along one Friday evening and see what the hobby is all about? You will be very welcome, and we can give you a demonstration of the 'shack' radio equipment, including our latest 24/7 web-connected Software Defined Radio project.
- Details
- Written by: Maintenance Guy
- Category: About
- Hits: 3428
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- Details
- Written by: Maintenance Guy
- Category: About
- Hits: 829
Mid Sussex Amateur Radio Society Committee
The committee named below will take office on April 1st 2024 and remain in post until 31st March 2025.
As per the constitution, the four honorary positions and three general committee positions may remain in post for a maximum of two years before retiring.
President: Ken Gibson G3WYN - Telephone 01444 412420
Hon Chairman: Chris Hodgkinson M7VJE (General Enquiries)
Hon Secretary: Alan Cragg G8YKV - Telephone 01273 844511
Hon Treasurer: Stella Rogers M6ZRJ - Telephone 07803 086038
Hon Programme Secretary: Stella Rogers M6ZRJ - Telephone 07803 086038
Committee: Phil Godbold G4UDU
Committee: Gavin Keegan G6DGK - Telephone 07801 692667
Committee: Mervyn Huggett M0WVE
Examiner of Accounts: Peter Fry G4AKG
Examiner of Accounts: Kim Newland G7AIE
Reserve Examiner of Accounts: Gavin Keegan G6DGK
Membership Secretary: Stella Rogers M6ZRJ - Telephone 07803 086038
QSL Manager: Stella Rogers M6ZRJ - Telephone 07803 086038
Training Manager: TBC
Shack Manager: Alan Cragg G8YKV - Telephone 01273 844511
Webmaster: Berni M0XYF - Contact via Registration Form
Email addresses for almost everyone on the committee can be found on QRZ.com
- Details
- Written by: Maintenance Guy
- Category: About
- Hits: 392
As an affiliated member of the Radio Society of Great Britain, we have adopted and are guided by the national Safeguarding Policy, which is attached below for reference:
- Details
- Written by: Maintenance Guy
- Category: About
- Hits: 676
The latest version of the club's Constitution can be downloaded below.
It was updated and accepted by the members at the AGM of March 24th 2023.