NOTICE is hereby given to all voting members that the 57th Annual General Meeting of the Mid Sussex Amateur Radio Society will take place as follows:
Date: 22nd March 2024 - Time: 19.45hrs.
Venue: Millfield Suite, Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Rd, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 8DX
Notice of nominations for the following Officers/Committee Members
- The Secretary
- The Program Secretary
- 1 Ordinary Member
Positions to be held for TWO years from the date of the 2024 AGM, as per the Constitution. This way it gives our Society some continuity when changing any of the Officers or Ordinary Committee Members each year when needed.
We would love you on the Committee for as many years as you feel able to serve. In our Constitution, it states that ‘Ideally nominations for committee posts to be received by the Secretary, not less than 2 weeks before the meeting.’ Therefore if you wish to record a nomination you may do so by email to the Secretary.
Please return any nominations to arrive no later than 8th March 2024. Proxy Votes may be sent to either the Secretary or your Appointee.