Operationally, I have still been using FT8. As an experiment, I logged a short dash one lunchtime. Mostly Europe, there were just short of 25 in the first half hour but a few fewer in the second - but over 30 contacts and 24 DXCCs in the hour.

DX activity has been a bit slow this month, probably due to the summer 'E' layer absorption, however those working the higher bands have had some Sporadic E to play with.

As part of my reminiscing during the D-Day celebrations, I was reminded of Harry Patch, the oldest surviving veteran of WW1. The attached QSL shows him with Viv G4PLY, who operated a station in his memory.

I am also reminded of more peaceful times with this E40VB card from 2012.

This autumn sees the 100th anniversary of the first 'proper' DX between ZL4AA and 2SZ.

I was fortunate enough to have worked and confirmed both ends of this during the 90th anniversary. At the time of writing there are plans to repeat the celebration, so watch out nearer October.

I had another small bit of luck when the postman dropped a heap of envelopes on the mat with hundreds of bureau cards. These cards should give the 'newbies' a taste of things to come. Cards are ideal for showing friends what you have been up to in the shack, as well as being the proof needed for the major award schemes. Some of the pictures give spectacular views of far-flung corners of the globe and would make a great geography lesson for youngsters.

The photo shows just some of the recent cards from Germany!

This has also re-triggered my interest in the IOTA programme. I did a quick search of my log and found 54 contacts that had not been confirmed, so I have started to catch up on cards, ClubLog and hopefully LOTW (as it has just been restarted). My list shows 14 Oceana islands that need cards, so I’ll be busy for a while!

Don’t forget we are nearing the peak of the sunspot cycle - so make the most of conditions while they last, especially the DXpeditions that are only active for a short period.

Cheers & Good DX


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