Late last year, the committee discussed a proposal from several people, that the club allow registered members the individual use of our famous callsign, Louis Varney's G5RV. It's registered as a club call, along with G1ZMS and G3ZMS, but rarely gets an outing these days.

Phil G4UDU gave it a good airing on new year's day, and from what I gather, made around 170 contacts.

This Sunday, Rob M0KPD will be giving it an even more serious workout, running though most bands from 80m on up, starting at the most refreshing time of 3am through to the early evening. Look out for him, and perhaps check the cluster and give him a spot. I think Rob is very excited to use the call - his comment on Friday's lunchtime net was 'I was BORN for this!'

Well done Rob. Your patience has paid off 👍

When I get a chance, I'll be adding a facility to the website so that you can see which members have a reservation for using the callsign and when. I'll also be publishing details of how you can have a go, and the protocols that have been put in place for it's use. Be aware though, that you will almost certainly be facing the biggest pileup you've ever experienced, so not for the faint-hearted!

It's a special callsign, and we should respect its usage, but by the same token, I'm very pleased that it will once again be heard around the world, and fly the flag for Mid Sussex Amateur Radio Society.

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